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We will consolidate the foundation of grain production on all fronts


At present, it is learned from Henan Shangcan Machinery and Equipment Co., LTD., a grain cleaning machine manufacturer: data released by the National Bureau of Statistics not long ago show that this year's national summer grain production of 146.13 million tons (292.3 billion pounds), a decrease of 1.274 million tons (2.55 billion pounds) over the previous year, down 0.9%, summer grain production is slightly reduced in stability, still at a high level, and a bumper harvest has been achieved.

Summer grain is the first grain harvested each year. For the annual grain production, winning the summer grain harvest is a key battle. Since the beginning of this year, all regions and departments have seized farming time and seized farmland management, implemented various measures to stabilize food production, consolidated the foundation of food security in an all-round way, and fully implemented the Party and government responsibilities for food security. Another good harvest of summer grain production will create favorable conditions for the annual grain harvest and lay a solid foundation for stabilizing economic development expectations and ensuring the smooth operation of the national economy.

This year's summer wheat planting area of more than 330 million mu, the spring ploughing season of wheat seedlings, soil moisture is a better year in recent years. However, at the end of May, when the national wheat gradually entered the centralized harvest period, a large-scale continuous rainfall weather process appeared in the northern winter wheat region. In the face of sudden rainfall, the main producing areas acted in a timely manner to seize the harvest, seize the drying, and seize the drying, and the national summer grain production was based on disaster resistance and harvest, and the achievements were hard-won.


When granaries are abundant, the world is secure. For China, a big country with a population of over 1.4 billion, ensuring a stable and secure supply of food and important agricultural products has always been a top priority in building a strong agricultural country. Only by maintaining the initiative of food security can we maintain the initiative of national rejuvenation. Therefore, the string of food security must be tightened at all times and cannot be relaxed for a moment.

From the perspective of the whole year, to stabilize grain production, we may also face multiple tests such as pests, diseases and adverse weather, and we still need to tighten the stubble and tighten the circle. In particular, we have launched a nationwide campaign this year to increase the yield per unit area of major crops such as grain and oil. We must keep an eye on one region after another, one link after another, and one variety after another. We must take multiple measures in a multi-pronged approach to consolidate planting area by variety, tap potential for increasing production by link, and improve disaster prevention and mitigation mechanisms by type. We will implement all our work with high quality and achieve tangible results, and consolidate the foundation for maintaining annual grain output above 1.30 trillion tons.

From this year to look at the long term, China's food production from "no" to "good" change is more and more obvious. Facing the future, we should strive to promote the implementation of the strategy of grain storage on the ground and grain storage on technology, and promote the continuous improvement of the comprehensive production capacity of grain and the ability to ensure supply. At the same time, it is also necessary to further promote the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, accelerate the construction of a modern agricultural industrial system, production system and management system, promote the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of grain production, and realize the leap from "accumulation" to "improvement of quality" as soon as possible, so that China's rice bowl is fuller and better. Only when farmers can earn money from growing grain can food production be safe. We will appropriately raise the minimum purchase prices for wheat and rice, grant one-time subsidies to actual grain farmers, expand the coverage of full cost insurance and planting income insurance for rice, corn and wheat, and make good use of the three-in-one income guarantee mechanism of price, subsidy and insurance. This will help stabilize farmers' expectations and reduce production risks. Let farmers grow grain more efficiently, do not suffer losses, gain benefits, and feel more at ease.

A strong country must first strengthen farmers, and only when farmers are strong can the country be strong. To strengthen agriculture, first and foremost, we must be able to ensure the supply of food and important agricultural products. Various policies to strengthen agriculture, benefit agriculture and rich farmers strongly support, hundreds of millions of farmers with full drive, hard work, advanced agricultural technology, efficient infrastructure escort... We are confident of a heavy harvest.


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